Category: Linux

  • View Free Disk Space on a Vserver

    Edit /etc/mtab to contain the line: /dev/hdv1 / ext3 defaults 1 1 Then df -h can show the free disk space.

  • Debian Auto-Login

    To have a Debian installation auto-login a certain user on the console on bootup, install the mingetty package and change this line in /etc/inittab: 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 to 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty –autologin root tty1

  • Neat way to FTP backup

    Here’s what I do to backup my Debian box to a FTP server without temporarily occupying local disk space: tar cf – –exclude ‘/var/cache’ –exclude ‘/var/lib/apt’ –exclude ‘/var/lib/dpkg’ –exclude ‘/var/tmp’ /etc /root /home /var /usr/lib/cgi-bin /usr/local/sbin | bzip2 | curl -n -T –

  • Wake On LAN with A8N SLI, Linux and nvnet driver

    Wake on LAN with the reverse-engineered forcedeth driver on Gentoo Linux amd64 does not work for me. I enabled the Wake up setting in the BIOS and ethtool as well as editing the shutdown script to enable WOL prior to shutdown doesn’t help, see here. The PC won’t wake up, neither on magic packet nor…

  • Generate a CA and self-signed certificates

    Create CA: openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 4096 openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key ca.key -out ca.crt Create certificate: openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 4096 openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr Make sure you enter different things for organization, unit and common name! Don’t use the IP address as CN, as Konqueror cannot…

  • Backupninja and MySQL

    Backupninja has a MySQL backup feature, which dumps each database to a separate file. To restore, each database has to be created manually and each file needs to be imported. This backupninja action dumps all databases and their CREATE statements into a single file and backs it up: mysqldump -u backup -p[passwd], –all-databases > /var/backups/mysql/all-databases.sql…

  • Screen

    To start screen just type screen and then you’ll be in your new terminal. To detach, hit CTRL+A and D. Reattach to a screen: If only one screen is open: screen -R If more than one: screen -list Get the terminal ID and then: screen -R [terminal_id]

  • Exim 4.5 Smarthosts + Debugging

    To debug TLS and AUTH in exim, run mailq to check if there are any undelivered mails and run exim -qff -d+all to see what’s happening during the delivery attempt. Insert this into the transport section of exim.conf to force TLS and AUTH on all accounts: remote_smtp: driver = smtp remote_smtp_smarthost: driver = smtp hosts_require_auth…

  • HBCI and Linux

    To get my Towitoko Chipdrive micro running in Debian, I had to install libtowitoko2 (and create a symlink, libchipcard2 and libchipcard2-tools. The chipdrive and the card server can be configured in /etc/chipcard2-server/chipcardd2.conf , the client’s way to connect to the card server is set in /etc/chipcard2-client/chipcard2.conf. Running chipcardd2 -f –logtype console –loglevel info shows…

  • Grub in Debian AMD64

    When booting from a 64bit Linux live CD and chrooting into my Debian AMD64 I get a segfault in Grub. I run the grub shell and enter: root (hd0,4) setup (hd0) To prevent the setup command from segfaulting Grub, the live Linux needs to be booted with the following kernel parameter: noexec=off This seems to…